Monday, June 27, 2011

Blog Day Mondays

So, I committed to starting a blog...and then had no time to write it. I am no longer going to use the excuse, "there are not enough hours in the day" because there really are enough....I'm just terrible at using them wisely. Feel free to chime in with your experiences, fellow freelancers...but when you don't have a 9 to 5 schedule, a boss breathing down your back, or a executive meeting to get you out of bed in the morning, some days are just plain difficult. You can't seem to light that proverbial fire under your proverbial ass. That, combined with the fact that I am naturally a procrastinator, I always end up in the same position - too much to do and not enough time to do it.

So what kept me from writing the past couple weeks? A business proposal deadline for a new teaching program, teaching, developing a new trapeze act for a show, performing two shows, and moving to a new apartment (why are we New Yorkers ALWAYS moving?). The lines between my personal life and my job are so blurred that getting consumed by work is almost as easy as breathing. But in working for myself, I am learning so much about who I am and what I really want. Lately, I've had a little voice that's starting to well up inside me saying, "find balance again", "let that pendulum settle somewhere in the middle." I want to spend more time with my best friend without having to pencil her in for 5 minutes in between one job and the next. I want time to volunteer with someone less fortunate than I. I want time to call my parents on the phone and say more than just "hi, I'm too tired to talk, just wanted to make sure you're alive." I want time to sit in a garden somewhere and not have a plan. What is the key to gaining that balance? Learning to manage my time better would be a good first step; putting deadlines on everything I do. And my first deadline? Blog Day Mondays. Every Monday I will publish my blog. If I stay on track with that, who knows, it might just set the tone for adding more discipline to other aspects of my life...

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